Fauci & Co.'s Remdesivir Murders
The Jab All Vaxpass criminals required people to die after being subjected to a fraudulent RT-PCR test.
Donald Trump signed the 2 - 6 TRILLION Dollar Cares Act (introduced into the parliamentary system for approval in Jan 2019 ).
H.R. 748 The Cares Act Signed by Trump proves Covid-19 was a planned Bank Bailout (here)
Trump/Biden COVID Remdesivir, Ventilator Genocide CARES Act 748 (here)
4yrs ago President Trump Signing The 6 Trillion Dollar EVIL CARES Act Ceremony H.R. 748 3-27-20 (here)
Monies created by this (con) Act were used to incentivize hospitals to follow set CvD protocols i.e. test, medication, ventilator, classify dead i.e. this was a financially-rewarding Stanley Milgram psychological experiment used on doctors. The inventor of Remdesivir, Ralph Baric is the same inventor of the replicative-DEFECTIVE (not a virus) SARS-CoV-2 sequence (computer) and more honestly the “gain-of-function” creator of the toxic Spike-glycol-protein (sequence) intended for the gene-therapy Jab agenda.
Remdesivir helped slaughter many people who were claimed to have “contracted” the invisible “virus” after being subjected to a fraudulent RT-PCR test and listed positive for “the BS SARS-CoV-2 virus”. In the UK Midazolam was used to kill patients.
Midazolam, Morphine & Ventilator caused Deaths in the UK (here)
As patients’ health deteriorated due to being administered Remdesivir,, Hospitals were further (massively) incentivized to put them on ventilators of which only 1 in 10 managed to survive.
As a medical coder, this woman transfers the information included in patient medical records into a database for insurance. Her job is critical in order for physicians to get paid. In this shocking interview, she unmasks the truth behind COVID protocols and their relationship to the incentives behind PCR testing and medicines. She explains why hospitals might treat for a virus before doing any testing to find out whether the patient is actually positive and discusses the time when healthcare staff were warned of a fatal flaw in their ventilator settings.
The hospital whistleblower, known only as “Zoe,” revealed that doctors have been euthanizing patients due to the severity of the side effects from the injections.
Medical Coder During COVID (here) - MUST WATCH
Additionsl Links Exposing the Remdesivir Protocol Killings
THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 | SHARE EVERYWHERE. (here)If there was a "deadly Invisible Virus" why would they use a test not calibrated for this alleged "deadly virus"? Why would the cycle of set RT-PCR test be set to 45 times (ineffective)? Why use late, deadly Hospital protocol “treatments” and then list their deaths as "Died of Covid"? There were people who died in hospitals of many other conditions, medical staff shoved a “test” up their nose and labeled them "Died with Covid". Controlled Mainstream Media then used the “Died of CvD” and “Died with CvD” death “data” tallies to frighten the “Stay-at-Home, Flatten the Curve” mask-wearing public.
Fauci and Birx were instrumental in these murders.
Hospitals Murdered Many "COVID" RT-PCR test positive Patients (here)Interview with Thomas Baine regarding cyanide found in Remdesivir.
Deaths kept baffling the Remdesivir & ventilator administering, protocol-compliant doctors as to the “dangers of the invisible virus” while they anxiously waited to administer the waning 95% "effective" Relative Risk Reduction, EUA warp-speed genetic-compromising CvD bioweapons. Trusted doctors were used & manipulated into killing people. Most doctors can’t name three ingredients included in any vaxsin, they have been brainwashed into thinking the Medial Mafia alleged “immunizers” really protect people.
Hospital CvD-19 protocols were financed by Governments misappropriating taxpayer money. This Epoch Times interview is one of many exposing how hospitals were murdering people after “confirming” a “positive sequence test”.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, “patients lost all rights when they went into hospitals,” says Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) in the documentary “Making a Killing.” “They became prisoners.”
In this episode, we sit down with Stella Paul, a medical writer who has been investigating what she describes as “deadly” hospital protocols during the pandemic—and the financial incentives behind them.
“There were huge bonuses on what they were paid by the government if they used Remdesivir and if they ventilated—and both of those treatments are extremely dangerous,” Ms. Paul says.
The Truth About COVID Hospital Protocols: Stella Paul (here)Rand Paul’s grilling of Tony Fauci is a farce – it is being used to make Fauci seem complicit in a “Lab Leak” (con). Rand Paul has been given enough information by Dr. David Martin to jail Fauci, yet he doesn’t use it. The incitements are only there to help maintain the “virus” belief i.e. it doesn’t matter if you believe a “novel (story) flu-like symptom” came from “Bat Soup in a Wet Market” or a “Lab Leak/Spill” as long as you BELIEVE people are “contagiously” the cause of “diseasing each other” i.e. as long as you BELIEVE in the Virus Fairytale that has ZERO Control Studies proving it’s existence. These criminals require people's belief to maintain the "Fear Thy Neighbor's Invisible Virus CON-GAME" so that they will appear justified in whatever "Solution" they implement on behalf of "protecting" the "Greater Good".
Rand Paul’s wife invested in Remdesivir.
Remdesivir - Fauci's Achilles Heel (here)
PLANDEMIC: Study reveals ventilator-acquired pneumonia killed millions – not COVID-19 as governments around the world claimed (here)Dr. Jane Ruby STAT: Government protects killer doctors by granting them blanket immunity – Brighteon.TV (here)
David Martin exposes Rand Paul's inadequate indictment of Fauci and in this interview, he lays out how the Bretton Woods Conference (1944) helped establish a “Liable Free” Criminal Syndicate (here)
Address by the Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Jr., at the Inaugural Plenary Session (July 1, 1944) (here)
Introducing the members of the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines committee.
These people deserve the credit for the deaths of nearly a million AmericansAppendix A, Table 1. COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel Members (here)
In April 2021, the FDA approved end-of-life pharmaceutical drugs for ICU sedation of Covid-19 patients 16 years and up, who are intubated and mechanically ventilated.
The drugs Propofol-Lipuro 1%, Diprivan, Dexmedetomide, and Midazolam were all used on intubated patients in hospitals, to kill them.
In America, they first gave Propofol-Lipton 1%, then slowly dripped Diprivan.
Propofol-Lipuro 1% contains EDTA.(here)
Diprivan Label, Warnings Section:
“Use of DIPRIVAN infusions for both adult and pediatric ICU sedation has been associated with a constellation of metabolic derangements and organ system failures, referred to as Propofol Infusion Syndrome, that have resulted in death. The syndrome is characterized by severe metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, lipemia, rhabdomyolysis, hepatomegaly, renal failure, ECG changes* and/or cardiac failure. The following are the risk factors for the development of these events: decreased oxygen delivery to tissues; serious neurological injury and/or sepsis.”Kennedy may not have gotten his head around the fact that ZERO % of the RT-PCR test proved the existence of the Invisible “virus”, but at least he knows that the Cares Act Incentivized Hospitals were killing people with Remdesivir & Ventilators.
RFK JR: "TONY FAUCI KNEW THAT REMDESIVIR WOULD KILL YOU" (here)A respiratory therapist says thousands of COVID-19 patients died due to an irrational rush to deploy ventilators.
Before COVID-19, he said there was already a 25% increase in mortality in patients who were intubated and put on ventilators – a figure that rose dramatically during the pandemic.
“And now we know during COVID it was upwards of 80 to 85% of people that were on ventilators passed away” (here)“What we did was we created a financial incentive — not if you get better from COVID, you get a bonus. It’s if you die from COVID, you get a bonus.” His statements have been making waves after an audio recording between a pharmacist and a nurse discussing excessive morphine administration on a particular hospital floor. “So if your patient is diagnosed and called a COVID patient, [you get more money]. Then, if your patient goes through certain treatment protocols, remdesivir, ventilator, et cetera, et cetera, each one of those, you’re going to get an additional amount of money.”
Killing Floor: Firsthand Witness Attests Hospital Deliberately Hastened the Deaths of COVID Patients “We incentivized murder,” attested attorney Tom Renz. (here)Kimberly Overton, RN: 'It Was a Never-ending Assembly Line of Remdesivir, Ventilator, DEATH, Wash, Rinse, Repeat...'
Complete and Total Medical Mismanagement (here)For those who still believe the RT-PCR tests proved people “contracted” a “virus” please view this -
Was it an RT-PCR PLANdemic? (here)Less than 25% chance of surviving the Remdesivir protocol (here)
The “data” of Hospital deaths justify the agenda.
Depopulation Agenda (here)
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